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Summary of the property

10 bedrooms
4 bathrooms
4 receptions
750m² habitable area
15 x 6m
1.45 Hectares of land

Interior Accommodation

Past owners of the property, who have drawn inspiration from the extraordinary atmosphere and setting, have included musicians, artists and sculptors.

While its manageable proportions and modern comfort and make it suitable for a small family, its visual impact and flexible accommodation would also suit high-end letting or a commercial activity.

Ground floor divider

Ground Floor

On the ground floor, kitchen-dining, snooker room and guest apartment.


Ground floor layout

Interactive floor plans

Click or tap on the floor plan to show the available details for each room.

Ground floor photographs

First floor divider

First Floor

On first floor, music room, salon, dining room, library, plus 3 bedrooms and bathrooms.


First floor layout

Interactive floor plans

Click or tap on the floor plan to show the available details for each room.

First floor photographs

Second floor divider

Second Floor

On the second floor, studio and 5 further bedrooms plus bathroom, with 3 further possible bathrooms.

There is a tenth bedroom on the third floor

Second floor layout

Interactive floor plans

Click or tap on the floor plan to show the available details for each room.

Second floor photographs

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