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Summary of the property

3 bedrooms
3 bathrooms
2 receptions
200m² habitable area
12 x 4m
2 Hectares of land
Photograph of the pool

Exterior spaces

Astarac, this area of southern Gascony, plans to create a Parc Naturel Régional, to protect its exceptional environment, flora, fauna and quality of life.

The grounds

Photograph of the pool area

2 hectares in all.

Feature plantings include cypress trees, American oaks and several rows of olive trees.

Photograph of house with the barn behind

Across its entire width, the land falls steeply away in a majestic roll, giving panoramic views over a patchwork of woodland and fields to the final backdrop of the distant Pyrenees.

The swimming pool

Photograph of the pool area

12x4m, framed by walls in exposed stone and set within a paved surround. In-pool safety cover.

Photograph of house with the barn behind

Pool plant at basement level, with saltwater filtration system and heating from the geothermal installation.

Spectacular views from the property (Click to enlarge)


Photograph of the garage
Photograph of house with the barn behind

Guest parking area beside carport and lock up garage. Steps lead down to the main entrance door, set within a timber-panelled wall

Property overview

Birds eye view of the house

The lower grassland is hay-cropped by a neighbouring farmer which leaves gardening limited to mowing the upper contours.

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